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House Meetings

House meetings are Sundays @ 7pm in the Commons (Apt. 106) [HM 1-18-15].

Members may post agenda items on either the meeting's agenda page on the wiki or in writing on the corkboard in the commons. Members must post agenda items by Friday at noon. The Steward will update the meeting's wiki agenda with any items posted in writing, and post a printed copy on the commons door by Saturday at noon. Items not posted on both agendas will not be presented at house meeting [HM 8-24-14][HM 1-18-15].

Except in instances of a membership review, house meetings will be conducted via consensus process [HM 7-13-14].

Meetings should start with a round of meet and greets, and follow membership acceptance policies for any new potential members [HM 1-18-15].

​ At the beginning of house meeting the minutes taker is responsible for reading the highlights of the previous meeting notes in order to ensure the accuracy of the notes. The minutes will then be accepted by consensus​ [HM 5-17-15].

​Any changes to the wiki must be ratified by the house at the beginning of house meeting [HM 3-15-15].​

Meetings are time-boxed to 2 hours, with 15 minute extensions allowed via a straw poll. Meeting facilitators may rearrange the order of agenda items to ensure the meeting runs efficiently. If there are agenda items that can not be addressed due to the time-box, they must be added to the next meeting's agenda if they are not withdrawn by the proposer [HM 7-6-14].

Once an item has been consented to, it cannot be revisited in the same agenda except as new business, where it cannot be changed. The only way to change an item that has been consented to is to add it to a future agenda [HM 12-21-14].

Non-members may not be present during any agenda items concerning contract breaks or membership reviews unless they are required for the proceedings. The house may grant a specific exemption for a non-member to be present during a meeting via consensus. [HM 2-15-15]

Committee Meetings

An officer may call for a committee meeting to decide on items under their purview. The house must be given 48 hours notice detailing the item(s) up for discussion and when the meeting will take place. During these 48 hours, members may request an item be brought to a house meeting instead, in this event a decision can not be made at the committee meeting on the specified item(s).

Proposals for expenses more than $250 require a house meeting. This covers all expenses where there is not already established policy [HM 7-27-14].

documents/manual/meetings.1481749515.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/28 18:05 UTC (external edit)