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Updates for the week of 3-16-15

It's been a while since any new news posts have been made here. So in an effort to make this space useful and not a depressing reminder of how infrequent we update this site, I'll be (trying) to post weekly updates here. I'm still working out format ideas, but the kinds of things you might expect to see in these updates could be:

  • Upcoming events and meetings
  • Recent house decisions
  • Important information from officers and/or members
  • Other events in the community

Sunday's house meeting

Minutes from the meeting are available here.

Other News

Elections for Kitchen manager are underway

You should have received a ballot from the Labor Czars. Fill it out, and place it in the Rent Box. Ballots will be counted at house meeting this Sunday.

No-Show Reports

No-Show reports for January hours that have converted to fines, and February hours that can still be resolved with make up labor went out over email. Please read them and make up any hours you owe.

Upcoming events

March 22 7:00pm @ LaRe Commons - House meeting

March 24 8:45pm @ Sasona - CHEA Board meeting

March 28 @ Sasona - General Membership Meeting

Agenda items for GMM include:

news/update-3-16-15.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/17 17:47 UTC by wikiperson209