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September 10, 2023


Meet and Greet

Review of Minutes

Wiki Updates & Announcements

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Agenda Item 1

(Cory) Void/rescind notice to vacate issued on 9/5/2023 to Tracy Fuller as it was not issued in accordance with our policies on determining if a behavior contract violation has occurred.

Refer to the quoted policy.

If a member believes that the member under behavioral contract has violated this contract at any point during its duration, they can bring it to a house meeting as such. There is no need to go through the membership review procedure again at this point. The membership will simply discuss and vote on whether the member breached their contract. An affirmative vote of a simple majority will result in eviction [HM 10-6-13].

New business

meetings/2023-09-10.1694020285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/06 17:11 UTC by wikiperson209