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July 28, 2024

Present: Graham(minutes), Bernard, Kate, Logan, Lorenzo, Russ, Beryl, Robby, Leah, Stormie, Len, Jennifer,

Meet and Greet


Review of Minutes

Minutes from July 21st meeting are approved

Wiki Updates & Announcements

Bernard: we need pest control for the commons. I found rat droppings. Also, I ordered storage bins for the flour. It shouldn’t be in the refrigerator because it gets moist.
Stormie: we can talk to food buyer about a Costco membership for bulk stuff. We may need a business membership. Sasona may have a membership we can split.

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Agenda Item 1

(Robbie) Renegotiate Payment Plan

This was not posted on the commons door so must be moved to next week.

New business

Beryl: someone from nickel city wants to come tour the coop. He is in Austin for the week. He might come on Wednesday

Leah: thanks to all who attended rules meeting. We worked out wording on changing community elections. Last time we had four people running and had 2 people tie. We suggested a ranked choice system. There will be a “no confidence” option. This must be voted on by both houses. There was also a finance committee meeting. There will be a special board meeting this Thursday

Stormie: I have stepped back from Hardy house. They have 12 of 14 spots filled with two contracts pending. They are electing officers.

Bernard: everyone should be mindful of covid. Issues are rampant. Please stay away from people if you are sick. Wash hands and be safe.
Kate : should we do mandatory masking in commons?

meetings/2024-07-28.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 23:38 UTC by grahamw