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documents:manual:membership [2024/04/23 04:40 UTC]
paulwuersig [Security Deposit Return and Contract Break Policy]
documents:manual:membership [2024/04/23 04:44 UTC] (current)
paulwuersig [Security Deposit Return and Contract Break Policy]
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 This additional rent liability for failing to provide 40 days notice must be waived when due to draft by military, medical causes with note from a doctor (MD), domestic violence, or due to unacceptable behavior of the roommate as determined by a Member Review. This additional rent liability for failing to provide 40 days notice must be waived when due to draft by military, medical causes with note from a doctor (MD), domestic violence, or due to unacceptable behavior of the roommate as determined by a Member Review.
-This additional rent liability for failing to provide 40 days notice can also be waived by the Membership Coordinator if they think there are extenuating circumstance which warrant it. The Membership Coordinator must inform the house via e-mail, and posting to next meeting's new business that they plan to waive this for a member within three days of deciding this with a member. The Membership Coordinator’s decision to waive this liability (other than the circumstances where it must be waived) can be overturned by a simple 50% majority of a house vote.+This additional rent liability for failing to provide 40 days notice can also be waived by the Membership Coordinator if they think there are extenuating circumstance which warrant it. The Membership Coordinator must inform the house via e-mail, and posting to next meeting's new business that they plan to waive this for a member within three days of deciding this. The Membership Coordinator’s decision to waive this liability (other than the circumstances where it must be waived) can be overturned by a simple 50% majority of a house vote.
 Any amount owed by a member breaking contract, including the $100 contract break fee, can also be waived by a 75% affirmative vote at a house meeting, or as a last resort by the Board [[|[HM 03-07-21]]] Any amount owed by a member breaking contract, including the $100 contract break fee, can also be waived by a 75% affirmative vote at a house meeting, or as a last resort by the Board [[|[HM 03-07-21]]]
documents/manual/membership.1713847256.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/23 04:40 UTC by paulwuersig